Evaluation of the in vitro antischistosomal activity of Bidens sulphurea (Cav.) Sch. Bip. (Asteraceae)


  • Jackson Breno Amaral Silva
  • Matheus Henrique Marques Zago
  • Lucas Antonio de Lima Paula
  • Richard Hermógenes Lima
  • Júlia Grassi Barco
  • Milton Groppo
  • Lizandra Guidi Magalhães
  • Antônio Eduardo Miller Crotti




antischistosomal agents, Bidens sulphurea, natural products, plant extracts, Schistosoma mansoni


In this study, the in vitro schistosomicidal properties of the n-hexane (BS-1), dichlorometane (BS-2) and methanol (BS-3) extracts from the leaves of Bidens sulphurea against Schistosoma mansoni were investigated. The extract BS-3 at 200 µg/mL caused the death of 100% of the male and 75% of the female adult worms and promoted the separation of 75% of the coupled pairs into individual males and females within 120h. This extract was partitioned in n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and methanol, furnishing the fractions BS-3.1, BS-3.2, BS-3.3, and BS-3.4, respectively. The fraction BS-3.2 was the most active, causing the death of all the male and female adult worms after 120 h, and the separation of all the coupled pairs of worms in the same period. The results of this preliminary study demonstrated for the first time the in vitro antischistosomal activity of B. sulphurea extracts.


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